Saturday, August 22, 2009

Soup is good food

Still reeling from "the great ziti debacle of 2009", I decided to just pull back and keep it simple. Julia Child calls this soup "simplicity itself" and she could not be more spot on.

Potage Parmentier (the name of the soup, duh!) translated is Leek or Onion and Potato Soup. I read Julie Powell's blog, bought both her book and Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, saw the movie and decided I wanted to make this soup and see what all the fuss was about. I am a believer. I have never cooked something with so few ingredients which yielded such incredible flavor. The Cliff Notes version goes like this - take chopped leeks, russet potatoes and salt..simmer them in water (not broth, just plain old water) until they are mushy and puree them. Add a bit of cream - ha, HA! Sorry, I was having a ziti flashback..... DONE.

Wait, that's it? Seriously? While I am chopping (and watching Pride and Prejudice, love that movie) all I can think of is, "should I add more....something?" "where, exactly is the flavor going to come from?" A quick side note to this is that when I first started really getting into cooking, there were very few shows on TV. Forget an entire channel dedicated to the art. So I learned from watching shows like:
The Galloping Gourmet
Julia Child
...and my personal favorite - Great Chefs. Man, I miss that show.

The main thing that fascinated me was how master chefs could build layers upon layers of flavor in a sauce. That has stuck with me and I try to do it as much as I can. The more complex the recipe, the more I enjoy cooking it. So when I was making this soup...I so badly wanted to saute the leeks first in butter and then deglaze the pot with chicken stock etc...etc. But I restrained myself and just followed the recipe. When the soup was done, I could NOT believe the amount of flavor that it had! Julia was not kidding when she said it was simplicity itself. I stand corrected. A dish doesn't have to be difficult to taste complex. I loved it, and I will keep this one as a "go to" comfort soup dish for whenever. A light soup with nice depth of flavor which is good as a starter to a meal or just to make you feel loved. Thank you Julia.

Potage Parmentier - Courtesy of Julia Child

3-4 Cups or 1lb peeled potatoes, sliced or diced. I used Russet baking potatoes. I like their consistancy.
3 Cups or 1lb thinkly sliced leeks including the light green parts.
2 quarts of water
1 Tablespoon salt (I used kosher salt)
4 Tablespoons whipping cream
2-3 Tablespoons minced chives. Used as a garnish and to bring out more of the leek flavor

1. Simmer the vegetables and salt in the water partially covered for 40-50 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
2. Put the soup either through a food mill (don't own one) or in a blender and pulse for just long enough to slightly puree the soup. The soup should still have some texture in it.
3. Correct seasoning if needed...I didn't need to.
4. Off heat and just before serving, stir in the cream by spoonfuls.
5. Top with chives and enjoy.

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