Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home Alone

Husband gone. Kids gone. Let the productivity begin!! How many of you ...when given some free time cram it with all the things you are either putting off, or just don't usually have time to do? My hand is raised high! Finding myself alone last weekend was obviously my cue to fill my dance card with cleaning and organizing. Holy OCD batman.

Went to the dump (all by myself!)
Got a crash course in photography from my niece Juli
Had one of "those" shopping trips (ex Target or Drug Emporium...remember them?) where you go for 1 thing...and bags of things later....(I did that at Central Market - boy, that salad dressing was spendy)
Took my kindle on a couple of field trips to the beach
Watched a couple of movies (have you seen Atonement? Good flick)

This is a cooking blog, after all and even though I haven't been the most consistent blogger I hope you are still entertained.

My friend, Sascha, got me on a goat cheese kick on my most recent visit to AZ. Now all I think about is how I can incorporate goat cheese into things. Cue - wicked scrambled eggs . So the night before this egg thing happened I plank barbecued some king salmon. Delicious, by the way.. and I thought it would be yummy to incorporate it into some eggs. It was.

Wicked scrambled eggs:
2 eggs
A bit of butter
Scallion or any onion chopped
Fresh thyme (I happened to have some so in it went)
Tomatoes chopped
Goat cheese!

I saute the onions in the butter, then add the beaten eggs. When they are almost done everything but the cheese goes in to. Cook the eggs to desired doneness. Take off heat and add cheese. Let it sit in the pan stirring occasionally to melt it slightly. Eat!

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