A couple of summers ago, when I wasn't working and could cook
waaaaaaay more often a friend turned me on to
Limoncello. It's a sipping
liquor and you can either buy it or make it. My friend made hers, so I am making mine. The only problem with making your own is the lack of instant gratification as it takes about a week or so. So set your timers for a week and I will update you on how it turned out!
So easy (and hopefully, so tasty). You take vodka, either plain or vanilla (I chose plain because flavored alcohol makes me gag) and you measure out 4 cups which turns out is roughly a fifth of the stuff. Into a glass bowl or in my case, a Pyrex measuring
thingie add the rind (no white stuff) of about 5 large lemons. Let that sit for a week at room temperature lightly covered (so nothing falls in). Then, supposedly in a week, you make a simple sugar mixture and voila!
How to drink it......in a little glass you pour ice cold (not sure yet if you can keep it in the freezer)
Limoncello. Add a
lawn chair, sunglasses and a Summer day and there you have it. You won't care what's for dinner.
The peels from 2 pounds of lemons (just the yellow)
4 cups of vodka (or reg or vanilla vodka…)
leave sit for one week (I cover loosely with plastic wrap to keep things from falling in it)
Then Combine:
4 cups of sugar with 4 cups of water in a sauce pan and stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. ****revision**** Use 1/2 the amount of sugar with the same amount of water. Jimminy Crickets, this drink turned out like drinking melted lemon drop candies. If that is what you are in to....grrrrreat. If you are like me, just use 1/2 the amount of sugar.
strain the lemon mixture and combine with the sugar solution
store in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to a month.